Friday, 28 December 2012

पंचायत का निर्णय -same as in 498a cases हर पढने वाला ध्यान से मनन करे क़ि इस बिगड़ी हुई व्यवस्था को सुधारने के लिए हम क्या कर सकते हैं?

पंचायत का निर्णय - the cases in 498a facing the same as the situation in this story, judges are not seeing any thing and favouring the complainant wife. like favouring this owl in this story 

एक बार एक हंस और हंसिनी हरिद्वार के सुरम्य वातावरण से भटकते हुए उजड़े, वीरान और रेगिस्तान के इलाके में आ गये ! हंसिनी ने हंस को कहा कि ये किस उजड़े इलाके में आ गये हैं ? यहाँ न तो जल है, न जंगल और न ही ठंडी हवाएं हैं ! यहाँ तो हमारा जीना मुश्किल हो जायेगा !

भटकते २ शाम हो गयी तो हंस ने हंसिनी से कहा कि किसी तरह आज कि रात बितालो, सुबह हम लोग हरिद्वार लौट चलेंगे !

रात हुई तो जि स पेड़ के नीचे हंस और हंसिनी रुके थे उस पर एक उल्लू बैठा था। वह जोर २ से चिल्लाने लगा। हंसिनी ने हंस से कहा, अरे यहाँ तो रात में सो भी नहीं सकते। ये उल्लू चिल्ला रहा है।

हंस ने फिर हंसिनी को समझाया कि किसी तरह रात काट लो, मुझे अब समझ में आ गया है कि ये इलाका वीरान क्यूँ है ? ऐसे उल्लू जिस इलाके में रहेंगे वो तो वीरान और उजड़ा रहेगा ही।
पेड़ पर बैठा उल्लू दोनों कि बात सुन रहा

सुबह हुई, उल्लू नीचे आया और उसने कहा कि हंस भाई मेरी वजह से आपको रात में तकलीफ हुई, मुझे माफ़ करदो। हंस ने कहा, कोई बात नही भैया, आपका धन्यवाद !

यह कहकर जैसे ही हंस अपनी हंसिनी को लेकर आगे बढ़ा, पीछे से उल्लू चिल्लाया, अरे हंस मेरी पत्नी को लेकर कहाँ जा रहे हो। 

हंस चौंका, उसने कहा, आपकी पत्नी? अरे भाई, यह हंसिनी है, मेरी पत्नी है, मेरे साथ आई थी, मेरे साथ जा रही है !

उल्लू ने कहा, खामोश रहो, ये मेरी पत्नी है। दोनों के बीच विवाद बढ़ गया। पूरे इलाके के लोग इक्कठा हो गये। कई गावों की जनता बैठी।

पंचायत बुलाई गयी। पंच लोग भी आ गये ! बोले, भाई किस बात का विवाद है ?
लोगों ने बताया कि उल्लू कह रहा है कि हंसिनी उसकी पत्नी है और हंस कह रहा है कि हंसिनी उसकी पत्नी है ! लम्बी बैठक और पंचायत के बाद पञ्च लोग किनारे हो गये और कहा कि भाई बात तो यह सही है कि हंसिनी हंस की ही पत्नी है, लेकिन ये हंस और हंसिनी तो अभी थोड़ी देर में इस गाँव से चले जायेंगे।

हमारे बीच में तो उल्लू को ही रहना है। इसलिए फैसला उल्लू के ही हक़ में ही सुनाना है ! फिर पंचों ने अपना फैसला सुनाया और कहा कि सारे तथ्यों और सबूतों कि जांच करने के बाद यह पंचायत इस नतीजे पर पहुंची है कि हंसिनी उल्लू की पत्नी है और हंस को तत्काल गाँव छोड़ने का हुक्म दिया जाता है ! यह सुनते ही हंस हैरान हो गया और रोने, चीखने और चिल्लाने लगा कि पंचायत ने गलत फैसला सुनाया।

उल्लू ने मेरी पत्नी ले ली ! रोते- चीखते जब वह आगे बढ़ने लगा तो उल्लू ने आवाज लगाई !

ऐ मित्र हंस, रुको ! हंस ने रोते हुए कहा कि भैया, अब क्या करोगे ? पत्नी तो तुमने ले ही ली, अब जान भी लोगे ? उल्लू ने कहा, नहीं मित्र, ये हंसिनी आपकी पत्नी थी, है और रहेगी !

लेकिन कल रात जब मैं चिल्ला रहा था तो आपने अपनी पत्नी से कहा था कि यह इलाका उजड़ा और वीरान इसलिए है क्योंकि यहाँ उल्लू रहता है !

मित्र, ये इलाका उजड़ा और वीरान इसलिए नहीं है कि यहाँ उल्लू रहता है ।
यह इलाका उजड़ा और वीरान इसलिए है क्योंकि यहाँ पर ऐसे पञ्च रहते हैं जो उल्लुओं के हक़ में फैसला सुनाते हैं !

शायद ६५ साल कि आजादी के बाद भी हमारे देश की दुर्दशा का मूल कारण यही है कि हमने हमेशा अपना फैसला उल्लुओं के ही पक्ष में सुनाया है ।

इस देश क़ी बदहाली और दुर्दशा के लिए कहीं न कहीं हम भी जिम्मेदार हैं।

हर पढने वाला ध्यान से मनन करे क़ि इस बिगड़ी हुई व्यवस्था को सुधारने के लिए हम क्या कर सकते हैं?

Friday, 2 November 2012


it is a very surprising fact that the 498a IPC is implicated to save a woman and is molded in such a way to harass the another more no. of women by leaving the criminal machinery of the country behind them.

The police is not investigating the FIR, neither they are taking any statement of the neighbours and relatives of  both sides of the families nor they are doing any investigations for the same.

The people who have never think of entering the Police stations and courts in their whole life has to visit these places on the routine basis.

now a days police is running behind the well mannered and good people and not working on the crime. 



DP3 CASE LAUDGED by us through as  written complaint by us judicial magistrate court for a a suo-moto case should be registered, u/s 156(3) Cr. P. C. judicial magistrate court have ordered police to register  FIR and start investigation.

The FIR registered was among the family members and some near persons of the WIFE's relatives as a DP3 complaint.
 They have challenged the same in High court U/s 482 and is ultimately quashed by  the court after by giving no proper reason and  the order said that the investigation has not found any thing, on the contrary no investigation was done at any level and also the FR was submitted for the same in the lower court.

the petition of 482 is saying the just opposite facts then 498A case the Dowry in 498A is converted into the custom money of marriage given to husband, it was the reply for the same amount of  rs. 1,25000.

Wednesday, 31 October 2012


It is very shameful for our courts and their judgements that they are considering that the FIR content if not having a Prima facie allegations then only they will dismis the FIR against the family members, the judges are not thinking about the false and concocted stories written in the FIR also the exagerated incidents mentioned , if the FIR containing the concoted stories then also they will consider the FIR details, and that also at the supreme court level.

There is a tendency to involve the entire household in a matrimonial dispute, especially if it happens soon after the wedding. This has been borne out of experience, said a Bench of Justices T.S. Thakur and Gyan Sudha Misra

Writing the judgment, Justice Misra said:

 “If the FIR as it stands does not disclose the specific allegation against the accused, more so against the co-accused, specially in a matter arising out of matrimonial bickering, it would be clear abuse of the legal and judicial process to mechanically send the accused named in the FIR to undergo trial.” Only if the FIR disclosed specific allegations would the court be persuaded “to take cognisance of the offence alleged against the relatives of the main accused who are prima facie not found to have indulged in physical and mental torture of the complainant-wife.”

The Bench said: “It is a well-settled principle laid down in cases too numerous to mention that if the FIR did not disclose the commission of an offence, the court would be justified in quashing the proceedings, [thus] preventing the abuse of the process of law. Simultaneously, the courts are expected to adopt a cautious approach in matters of quashing specially in cases of matrimonial dispute whether the FIR in fact discloses commission of an offence by the relatives of the principal accused or the FIR prima facie discloses a case of over-implication by involving the entire family at the instance of the complainant, who is out to settle scores arising out of the teething problem or skirmish of domestic bickering while settling down in her new matrimonial surrounding.”

It is very shameful for our courts and their judgements that they are considering that the FIR content if not having a Prima facie allegations then only they will dismis the FIR against the family members, the judges are not thingking about the false and concocted stories written in the FIR also the exagerated incidents mentioned , if the FIR containing the concoted stories then also they will consider the FIR details, and that also at the supreme court level.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

minister of WCD had not done anything to increase employment of women.

This is the utter failure of the UPA-II on all economic fronts, due to very high corruption. Scams took away all the money Government may use to uplift the women. Huge numbers of youth including both men and women are unemployed and the minister of WCD had not done anything to increase employment of women. Now the next general election is due in year 2014 and to juggle the data they have created other way to show some employment of Home-Makers. Can government do something to offer suitable jobs or to create some jobs even for the Home-Makers? Home-makers will like to go for suitable job and support their families. Because Home-Maker does not have any opportunity for suitable job and earn they use the spare time in watching daily TV sops or chatting with others.
It is time to ask questions:
Please write letters to MP of your area: To ask questions in zero hours from WCD minister about unemployment and what WCD have done to create the employment.

India Government should pay back directly

India Government should pay back directly and credit the bank account with 50 percentage of Tax collected from earning salaried spouse their household worker for better empowerment, example Goa Government paying Rs1000/- who are doing House work Job only.
So please promote this suggestion by signing this petition and sending postcards, as many ladies as we can.

WCD ministry should abstain from polluting the minds of young women

Such laws are only breaking the families , already there so many laws which have already broken the families in India. WCD ministry should abstain from polluting the minds of young women in the name of Woman Empowerment.Why does the ministry not raise the issue of mothers who have maintained the family for years without a single rupee paid to her, where was this the ministry when these mothers were young and they have made the sons capable so that the young wives are enjoying the fruits of their (mother's) labour without any contribution from these young wives in the matrimononial homes The husbands are burdened already with so many problems , why such male hatred and women degradation ? Today paid labour is available and these wives have nothing to do but sit and spend the hard earned money of husbands on parties, beauty products and shopping.

WCD Ministry of Government of India: Can Not ask salary from spouse for performing household chores at Home.

Please Save Indian Families.
The household chores we do it for ourselves and to help our near and dear ones, we do not ask money for serving food from family members or even from the guest.
Do you need salary from spouse even for doing our own work? “as published in news by Minister of Women and Child Development Minister in the name of women empowerment” It is not happening even in any other country of world, not even mention in any of holy book in India.
Please support in large numbers to discard such silly ideas of already empowered isolated woman in power.
Please save Indian family from breaking for such materialistic unimportant issues.

Monday, 10 September 2012

minister krishna tirth -women and child welfare minister - please consider sisters mothers and daughters also during framing of new laws

1. minister krishna tirth's proposal is absured and ridiculous as she is thinking to destroy the well running indian families.
2. after barberian 498a again there is an unplanned and currupt law of giving salry to a women who is married.
3. not thinking about the women who is dependent on his son and is widowed mother. who born and brought up the child of theirs
4. this new law is not thinking about the sisters who are not married or widowed.
5. this barberic law will destroy the love between the family as it make them money oriented.
6. what about the men who is equally helping house wife in bringing up their children.
7. now a day insted of talking about independency of women the minister is talking about increasing dependency of women on a men.
8. i am a victimised women with my widowed sister and widowed mother who are totally dependet on our brothers earning will be treted negligible by these so called kanun ke rakhvale.- what about us.
9. every new law is a new way of earning money by these lawyers , judges and ministers and increasing curruption in judiciary.
10 . making law without thinking about the whole society is very ridiculus way of thinking.

Friday, 7 September 2012



1. There should be a restriction on laywers fees charging from the victims by bar council.
2. the main reason a person is losing hope from fighting the case is due to the uneding demand of the fees of lawyers.
3. Not a  single laywers has made any of the replies or documents in any of our cases of family court and lower court.
4. they are charging us only to get our information and pass it on to the wife' s laywers.
5. ultimately these people laywers are winners as from both the parties very few wives are getting success in earning money.
6. i need all of your comments to all these points if the amount of fees will be submitted to the laywers through bar council , the cheating of laywers will be less and the amount will be a fixed value.

spread awareness about this barberic section 498a

1. from the date of charge sheet till date the girl and her parents are not coming to attend the dates.
2. they are playing conspiracies to harres us.
3. We have got one senior laywer to fight our case of 498a, the influenced him politically or may be pressurised him to leave the case and he left us suddenly without any reason.
4. every laywer is suggesting us to do compromise, but we dont want as we have done nothing.
5. i found that to earn money these so called laywers are doing every tectics to harres us.
6. It was a very surprising thing for me when i was trapped as I was not aware about this section and also found that general public is also not awae about this type of barberic (jungle Raj) kanun.
7. i want to spread aware

Wednesday, 5 September 2012



Our story of 498a;
1. We 5 family members get trapped in this case.
2. Father of the main accused is expired due to brain haemorage due to these tensions.
3. Now three women are made accused in this case.
4. in last three years about 15 laywers are changed as everyone is cheating after charging full fees.
5. the charge sheet was done after three years of gape, by the time we have lost one case  in section 482 to quesh criminal proceedings with very vague and irrelavent replies.
6. After losing lots of money on police, laywers and middle men we found that it is a fear tectics business.
7. a big industry is running behind this in the name of saving women from their in-laws.
8. in most of the cases i found that the middle class people are victimised as the rich people are doing out of court settlements in exchange of huge sum of money.
9. when the FIR is lodged, the police is not investigation the neighbour for the authenticity of the charges also not doing any medical report of the girl who is filing the FIR.
10 they are not even concerned about that the charges written in the FIR are applicable for the section 498a or not.
11. the injustice for the money is continuous by these so called sarkari karmchari of courts and police department.
12. These people are thinking these girls as 'abla nari " and those women victimised in these cases are ignored , harressed and tortured.
13. the petty quarrals reached upto courts and police departments.
but nobody is concerned about spoiling the life of other women involved in these cases, they want to save only those women who can make them and give them a way to fatch money.
I  have created this blog as i am the victim of the dowry laws made in india to protect women from their in-laws. But the actual situation is just opposite for these  laws.

The laws made to save  women are made against women. The laws  designed by so called politicians and beaurocrates in the name of women are not made for the women and also they are not assuring the safety for women. these laws are destroying the life of other women and making their lives hell by sending them to police station and courts. where a person form a civilised society can never think of to visit the police station and courts.

but i found personally that in actual situation and ultimately only the men are getting profits out of it , they may be policemen, lawyers, judges, politicians, middle man and most prominantly the main man the father and brothers of the women who is lodging false FIR against , the whole family which involves the more no. of women then men.

All are trying to fill their pockets and nobody is thinking about the women who filed a case and also not about the torture done by these so called governement muljims on these victims.

I request all the women victims of 498a the so called dowry law to communicate and try to bring their voice in front of the civilised society to stop this money extortion business and legal terrorisom.